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1训练趁机寻嫩草 高中女教师与5高中生做爱(组图) Empty 训练趁机寻嫩草 高中女教师与5高中生做爱(组图) 周五 2月 18, 2011 6:57 pm


训练趁机寻嫩草 高中女教师与5高中生做爱(组图) 201102101443511236958214
训练趁机寻嫩草 高中女教师与5高中生做爱(组图) 201102101443521236958214
训练趁机寻嫩草 高中女教师与5高中生做爱(组图) 201102101443531236958214
训练趁机寻嫩草 高中女教师与5高中生做爱(组图) 201102101443541236958214

  爆出性丑闻的是俄亥俄州梅森市高中( Mason High School)。自 2000年起在该校执教的 32岁体育教师舒勒( Stacy Schuler),课馀负责指导运动队伍进行训练,岂料她竟是个色慾教师,趁机寻找「嫩草」的良机。
  上月初,校方接到匿名举报,展开调查,揭发她在去年 8月至 12月间,可能跟多达五名男学生有过「性接触」,被她看中的大都是健硕的美式足球运动员。案情透露,她又曾买酒给学生喝。
  校方报警,她上周五正式被控 19项性侵犯重罪,及三项向未成年人士提供酒类控罪,面临入狱 81年。校方正让她放有薪假,本周将决定是否解僱她。
  Gym teacher Stacy Schuler had sexual relations with high school football players: authorities
  A gym teacher in Ohio who allegedly had sex with several high school football players now faces multiple counts of sexual battery.
  Stacy Schuler, who has been on paid administrative leave since mid-January when the claims first surfaced, was indicted Friday on 16 counts of sexual battery and three misdemeanor counts of offenses involving underage persons, the Dayton Daily News reported.
  The 32-year-old is accused of having sexual relations with students on five different occasions in 2010, officials with the Warren County Prosecutor’s Office told the newspaper.
  Most of the incidents involved members of the Mason High School football team, authorities said.
  Schuler turned herself in on Friday and bail was set at $50,000. She has been ordered to stay away from the victims, as well as any other students.
  Mason principal Mindy McCarty-Stewart told The Associated Press that none of the alleged incidents occurred on school grounds.
  An anonymous tip given to authorities in January triggered the investigation into Schuler.]

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